Click on the above link to access a PDF copy of the ‘Cabra-Vale Digger’s Club Case Study’.   The document explores one of SWC’s strongest and most impactful partnership over the past two decades, with Cabra-Vale Digger’s Club, known by locals as a trusted, generous, caring and forward-thinking organisation and the place to socially connect, dine and be entertained.

Based on exceptional feedback from students and teachers, about the positive learning experience at Cabra-Vale Diggers Club during work placements, the Club has received the “Employer of the Term” and “Employer of the Year” awards from SWC for their outstanding contribution.

Cabra-Vale Diggers Club has hosted over 1,600 work placement students over the past two decades across 3 VET Courses.

  • Food & Beverage
  • Kitchen Operations
  • Primary Industries

The partnership with Cabra-Vale Diggers has developed over the years through a variety of initiatives funded through the ClubGRANTS program that has allowed them to support and empower thousands of young people from Primary and High School. The benefits of the programs has been far reaching, with participants ranging from young Aboriginal future leaders through to senior residents at aged care facilities.

Cabra-Vale Diggers Club collaborating with SWC to support 11,800 young people to improve their wellbeing, employability skills and career options